Salt (SALT) API and Price Oracle

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For informational use only; request a custom oracle/API for production below.
General information
Contract address
Smart contract address of the asset
Blockchain network where the asset is deployed
Pricing methodology used to determine the price of the token in USD. By default, all price feeds on the DIA App are calculated with a MAIR methodology. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about methodologies.
Update frequency
120 seconds is the default update frequency. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about oracle updates.
Next update
24h Volume
The total volume captured by DIA across all the integrated sources.
Volume 24h
Trades 24h
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What is Salt (SALT)?

Salt (SALT) is a cryptocurrency and blockchain project that aims to provide a lending platform for users to borrow and lend digital assets. It was founded in 2016 by Shawn Owen and Michael Place. The project's name, "Salt," stands for "Secured Automated Lending Technology." It enables users to leverage their cryptocurrency holdings as collateral to obtain loans in traditional currencies. Salt aims to offer a secure and transparent lending platform for the crypto community.

How does Salt work?

Salt is a blockchain-based lending platform that allows borrowers to access liquidity by using their cryptocurrencies as collateral. The underlying technology behind Salt is the Ethereum blockchain. By leveraging smart contracts, Salt provides a secure and transparent lending system.

When a borrower wants to obtain a loan on the Salt platform, they first need to create an account and deposit their cryptocurrency as collateral. The value of the collateral is determined by the Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio set by Salt. Once the collateral is deposited, a smart contract is created, and the borrower can request a loan with a specific amount.

The loan request is evaluated by Salt's automated lending system, which performs a risk assessment based on factors such as the borrower's creditworthiness and the value of the collateral. If the loan request is approved, the funds are transferred to the borrower's account. The borrower can use the funds for any purpose they wish, and repayment can be made in both fiat currency or cryptocurrency.

In the event of a default, where the borrower fails to repay the loan, Salt has the right to liquidate the collateral to recover the outstanding amount. This process is also governed by the smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring transparency and immutability.

Overall, Salt provides a unique lending solution by utilizing blockchain technology and smart contracts to facilitate secure and efficient borrowing against cryptocurrencies. The platform offers individuals the opportunity to unlock the value of their crypto assets without having to sell them, while also providing lenders a means to earn interest on their holdings.

What are the benefits of Salt?

Salt is a blockchain-based lending platform that offers several benefits compared to its direct competitors. One of the key advantages of Salt is its flexibility in collateral options. Unlike some of its competitors, Salt allows users to collateralize their loans with a range of assets, including cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and even physical assets like real estate. This gives borrowers more options and allows them to leverage their existing holdings to access liquidity.

Another benefit of using Salt is its competitive interest rates. Salt strives to offer competitive rates compared to other lending platforms in the blockchain space. By doing so, they aim to attract borrowers and make it more affordable for them to access funding.

Furthermore, Salt offers loan terms that are often more attractive and flexible than those of its direct competitors. Borrowers can choose from different loan durations and repayment options, allowing them to tailor the loan to their specific needs.

Overall, Salt's key benefits lie in its flexibility in collateral options, competitive interest rates, and attractive loan terms. While there are several other lending platforms available in the blockchain space, Salt sets itself apart by offering a range of options and competitive terms to its users.

What is Salt used for?

Salt is a crucial component in various domains, including technology, chemistry, and culinary arts. In the context of blockchain technology, salt is commonly used as a parameter to enhance the security of hashes generated from passwords or other sensitive data.

In blockchain systems, hashes are used to store passwords securely, but rainbow tables or brute-force attacks can potentially crack them. To make it more challenging for hackers, a random and unique salt value is added to the password before hashing it. The salt is then stored alongside the hashed password.

The primary purpose of adding salt is to prevent attackers from using precomputed tables (rainbow tables) or easily finding patterns in hashed passwords. Each user's password salt is different, even if they use the same password, making it significantly more difficult for malicious actors to crack passwords.

In addition to securing passwords, salt can be used in other scenarios. For example, in cryptographic key derivation functions (KDFs), salt can be applied to increase the computational cost of generating keys, thereby adding another layer of protection against brute-force attacks.

One specific case where salt is utilized in blockchain technology is in the process of generating digital signatures. Salting the hash of a message before signing it enhances the security of the signature, making it more resistant to forgery or tampering.

Overall, salt plays a vital role in blockchain systems by bolstering the security of password storage, key generation, and digital signatures, making it an essential aspect of blockchain security protocols.

What is DIA's Salt API?

DIA's Salt API is part of their suite of API endpoints that provide real-time price feeds for various crypto assets. These price feeds are constructed using raw data gathered from over 85 on-chain and off-chain cryptocurrency and NFT exchanges, resulting in comprehensive and accurate information that sets DIA apart from other web3 data providers.

Regarding the availability of DIA's API endpoints, they offer both free and customizable options for developers. The free API endpoints are accessible for testing purposes and can be found on the asset's detail page in the DIA App. These endpoints follow a standardized format and serve as a valuable resource for developers seeking simple price data.

However, DIA's custom API feeds are the highlight of their offering. These feeds can be tailored to specific requirements, allowing users to customize the sources, methodologies, and update mechanisms for their data feed. To request a custom feed, developers can reach out to DIA via Discord or Telegram.

The use cases for DIA's API are extensive within the blockchain ecosystem. In DeFi applications, the price information from DIA's API can be used for derivatives, options and futures, lending and borrowing markets, collateralized stablecoins, synthetic asset issuance, money markets, and more. In the NFTfi space, DIA's API enables peer-to-pool NFT lending and borrowing, on-chain NFT derivatives, NFT renting, NFT fractionalization, and numerous other applications.

Overall, while DIA offers free API endpoints for testing purposes, their custom feeds are where the true value lies. These customizable feeds provide users with flexibility and control over their data sources and specifications, making them highly beneficial for developers and businesses operating within the blockchain ecosystem. With DIA's Salt API, users can access reliable and precise price data to power their applications and services.

An API, short for Application Programming Interface, serves as a bridge between different software systems, enabling them to communicate and exchange data. In the context of DIA's Salt API, it allows developers to fetch real-time price feeds for cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other assets from various sources. This data can then be used in a multitude of applications, including decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFT finance (NFTfi) use cases, to make informed decisions and execute smart contracts based on accurate market information. By providing standardized and customizable API endpoints, DIA empowers developers to access and utilize their comprehensive price data in a seamless and efficient manner.

What is DIA's Salt price oracle?

DIA's Salt price oracle is a smart contract that offers real-time price feeds for various cryptocurrencies. It is an integral part of DIA's comprehensive range of price oracles. DIA's oracles are not limited to a single blockchain; they are compatible with over 35 layer 1 and layer 2 networks. This extensive integration allows DIA to deploy its price oracles across multiple blockchains.

To construct their price feeds, DIA gathers raw data from more than 85 on-chain and off-chain exchanges for cryptocurrencies and NFTs, incorporating data from billions of individual trades. This vast collection of data ensures accurate and reliable price information, setting DIA apart from other web3 data providers.

While DIA does offer demo oracles in their documentation for developers to test, these demo oracles cannot be used in production applications. However, DIA also provides custom configuration options for users who require tailored price feeds. These custom price oracles can be customized to suit specific needs, including sources, methodologies, and update mechanisms. To request a custom feed, users can contact DIA via Discord or Telegram.

The applications for DIA's price oracles within the blockchain ecosystem are extensive. In the realm of DeFi, these oracles can be used in derivatives, options, futures, lending, borrowing markets, collateralized stablecoins, synthetic asset issuance, money markets, and more. For NFTfi, they can facilitate peer-to-pool NFT lending and borrowing, on-chain NFT derivatives, NFT renting, NFT fractionalization, and various other use cases.

In the blockchain space, an oracle refers to an external information provider that supplies verified data from outside the blockchain to smart contracts. Oracles act as bridges, enabling smart contracts to access real-world data and interact with external systems in a trusted and decentralized manner.

Overall, DIA's custom oracles are particularly beneficial for users, as they allow for tailored price feeds to suit specific requirements.

Why use DIA's SALT API & price oracle?

DIA's SALT API and SALT Price Oracle offer a multitude of benefits for users within the blockchain ecosystem. By utilizing DIA's technology, users gain access to accurate and reliable price data for cryptocurrencies and NFTs. The key advantage of using DIA's API or Price Oracle is the high level of customization it provides. Each oracle and API endpoint can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of decentralized applications. This customization includes configuring data sources, applying data cleaning filters and pricing methodologies, and determining the frequency and mechanisms by which the feed updates.

This customizability ensures that the data and oracle remain robust and resistant to market conditions, enabling the provision of global market prices as well as unique individual or cross-chain market prices. Users can rely on DIA's API and Oracle feeds for tailored solutions that cater to their specific needs.

In addition to customization, DIA's API and oracles offer transparent and granular visibility into the entire data journey. Users can track and monitor the feeds provided by DIA using the various tracking and monitoring tools available. This transparency ensures that users have a comprehensive understanding of the data they are accessing.

Overall, the benefits of using DIA's SALT API and SALT Price Oracle lie in their ability to provide customizability, reliability, and transparency in accessing price data for cryptocurrencies and NFTs within the blockchain ecosystem.

Why use DIA data feeds and oracles?

DIA provides full insight on the oracle’s data journey as well monitoring tools to track feeds in real-time.
Oracles can be tailored to any use case in terms of data sources, methodologies and update mechanisms and much more.
Broadest coverage
DIA provides price oracles for 3,000+ cryptocurrencies: from blue-chip tokens to long-tail assets.